Friday, August 29, 2014

It's a Room Re-Do!

I am so proud of the changes that I made to my classroom this summer! I was fortunate enough to be given money for some new furniture. That really helped bring everything together.

First the befores ... Unfortunately, I forgot to take pictures before I started the re-do, so the pictures I took before last school year will have to do!
This is the room from the doorway toward the back of the room.

Notice the grey wall in the back and the white walls everywhere else.

There were tons of really tall and deep shelves.
These closet doors were really hard for the kids to work with. They weighed more then the kids do! 

This was my calendar wall. The tape never stayed up on those chalkboards ... it was such a pain!

There was no such thing as 4K when this school was built! So the shelves were at an awkward level for the kids.

And the afters ...
Now, notice the bright colors on the wall :)

The chalkboards are gone and corkboard is up!
My big desk is gone (that I never used) and I replaced it with a small table in the corner.

The bulky doors and dangerous hooks are gone! The kids can just walk up and hang their things without struggling to open the door!
There are a few things missing. A few labels not up yet. My birthday chart which will go above the closet hooks after I take the kids' pictures on the first day. My job chart isn't up yet and the Star of the Week section isn't up on the bulletin board. But I just was so excited I needed to post pictures. I'll post those pictures when they are done!
I am so excited to start this new school year. The furniture is more appropriate for 4K. The colors are bright and exciting. And most importantly, with the new shelves, I am able to display their things in a way that is easy for them to access.
This is going to be a great year! 

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